Kendrick Lamar Untitled Unmastered

Kendrick Lamar Untitled Unmastered

untitled unmastered.K-Dot has stood at the top of Billboard’s charts for over two weeks now. His recent album, Untitled Unmastered, came as a pleasant surprise to fans when he dropped it with no promotion nor announcement. The jazzy beats and smooth tones are artistically juxtaposed against a hardcore revolutionary sound and lyricism.

It’s a testament to the overall state of the music industry when an album can be released as a surprise and rest at Billboard’s number one spot for multiple consecutive weeks. With this move, Kendrick Lamar has set himself in stone as a titan in the industry, indeed a force to be reckoned with.
Kendrick Lamar speaks for an entire generation tired of seeing innocents gunned down, an entire nation full of pent up rage teetering on hatred towards a system which has betrayed everyone below the poverty line, and he speaks to the hopeful future when the next Martin or Malcolm will rise and organize an entire people. Until that day comes we can only read the writing on the wall and listen to records so soulful they can only be described as audio-dope. – Robert Vickens


Author: sm-admin

Street Motivation is an urban lifestyle magazine that covers various aspects of hip-hop culture from Southern California to many other parts of the world. As THE voice of the independent artists new and old Generation, Street Motivation Magazine focuses on music, models, fashion, battle rap and politics with intelligence, integrity, motivation and, most of all, respect. Get your issues 3 ways: In Stores, Digital or by Mail Order Visit for store locations near you! If they don't have it, ask them WHY NOT! *If ordering for someone who's incarcerated please order issues from For advertising or album reviews dial Office: 323-642-7702 Email: [email protected]

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